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112 Movie Reviews

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Okay.... that's it!

It IS good animated and a good music video, actually. Oh, why I just gaved it three points, then? Well, allow me to explain:
USA thinks so damn much they are the centre of the universe! You only think it matters when stuffs are coming to your country! Listen; not everyone live in USA, and will get Brawl when you think! Have some respect, for fuck sake!

Oh, no...

Not again. Why can't you get some imagination? It's always "something is irritating Reiko, and dies". So what? And your animation is worse than mine. Sure, you got some details. But it's still the monochrome "one-pic in many frames" style... Please, try to do something else. There is nothing funny in a movie where a uglyhaired girl kill bothering people; in this case with her transvestite "sister", or whatever it is!

4 years old, and still great!

Don't care about the... well, wankers. They are just jealous because they don't have the guts to make innocent jokes about the so called god. This is something for everyone. Even open-minded christians. But what's the point if you aren't open-minded? If a person is not that, there is no bigger point in living.

Good work, anyway. This movie deserves all my ten points!

Nice animation, but...

What was the point with this movie? What was the story? What was the message? Please explain... I didn't get this at all.

W-P-S responds:

Oh for fuck's sake it isn't THAT hard to understand

Then it's official....

The Clock Crew hates Super smash then, huh? Then I must ask you all in the Clock Crew to go to hell.

Really good.

You are always doing great with these movies. But I kinda miss Hank... That's why I didn't gave it 10 points. Will he ever be back?

I am sorry...

Please, note these 2 things; make your villains almost impossible to defeat, and avoid to show Batman like he is perfect and can't do anything wrong! Sorry, but this is really lame.

Gus-Saldanha responds:

less lame than your movies it seems.

Good, but...

You gotta improve the movements. And also, make the villain hard to defeat. You make Mr Freeze look like a whimp. Villains are supposed to almost be impossible to defeat; but in the end they get defeated in a miraculeous way. You gotta do it like that. Because this felt kinda lame...

Gus-Saldanha responds:

im not u.

Blurb about me?

Viktor Akesson @Kurvos

Age 36, Male

Flash animator


Joined on 1/5/07

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