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112 Movie Reviews

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Epic win, dude! Love how you make fun of such things, like Shadow and new Sonic's green eyes. XD This beats all of the other Sonic spoofs here on Newgrounds together!

This doesn't work for me

I think your animation is fantastic, and I can understand people admire and appreciate your videos still for the mere reason of getting some popcorn action. But I feel like my appreciation for the series has been raped. I thought it was pretty bad in the two last ones - especially the one before this one. But now you're really pushing it for me (again, this is MY opinion). All you who loves this; more power to you. But let me explain to all of you, including the artist, why this felt too much for me. Try to take my points in without attacking me for having my own opinion, if that's not too much to ask for.

Hank as a monster... I don't get it. For me, the whole point of these Madness videos were to see a completely regular human of exquisite skills kill of a whole lot of bad guys with nothing else than the weapons he has, including his fists at some times. Now, with the crab-arm even getting it's own fist attached to Hank, and him being huge with a short forehead and that metal-chin, looking primitive, is just... silly. He looks stupid. Only reason I watched this, was because I was waiting in vain for Hank to return to his normal self. But on top of everything, he is teaming up with someone else, which makes absolutely no sense. Yes, I know that dude and his friend helped Hank to get revived - but it's still out of character. Hank is a loner, fighting for his own. He is not supposed to be a oversized monster-monkey with a crab-arm. At least not to me. I've been trying for so long to understand why you decided to go into this really obscure direction when you released Madness Inundation. Jesus is the new main character in that one, which ruined the whole point. It was basicly a spin-off. And then we had Madness Aggregation; where there's two new extremely lame and uninteresting guys. Even Madness Consternation started to get too weird - mostly for the ending, and the fact he is spending more time running away from a monster rather than trying to kill as many henchmen as possible.
I don't know; maybe I've been growing out of it. I just preferred when you didn't try to make it deviating from the source of it. I admire mindless action; but this is getting out of hand. I'm sorry, but... I am disappointed. I miss the old Hank, and I miss him fighting on his own against impossible forces. Like Madness Antipathy, and all of the Madness videos before that. We just see him beat the living shit out of tons of henchmen to badass music as he chases the final boss he fights in the end of the episode, and maybe somewhere in the middle briefly as well. Yeah; honestly, Madness Antipathy would be what I would call your true masterpeice among everything you've made considering Madness overall. It was your "Beethoven's 5th". You might want to continue doing the Madness episodes the way you do them now, but... for me, Madness is everything but Madness nowadays. And that's my honest opinion. I respect people for disagreeing - but I thought it was worth to let others now properly what some (at least me) considerto be the point of everything... even though it's literally meant for madness as that's what it called, but still.

You're a good animator though. Do what you feel is right. If you wanna ignore my words, then fine. But I wrote this in case you will consider it a thought. Thanks for your time if you read this. :)

Same category as JP3?

Don't get me wrong, I mostly loved this review a lot, but... Jurassic Park 3 is by far better than this movie - come on. AvP insults all us real fans of the franchises. There's nothing redeeming about it whatsoever.

Well... I was disappointed; but it's still good

Doesn't matter what I will write here - people will rate me down because I am not praising you guys.
But I will start with the positive aspects. The animations are most of the time really nice, some of the jokes gave me a giggle; and a few even made me laugh (like 2, I think). But most of the jokes are too intern, first of all. I am not a hardcore gamer playing every single Nintendo game. I have never played any Star Fox game, or Metroid game, or Chrono Trigger game, for examples. It really feels like you could have tried to make the jokes a bit more main stream, from my personal perspective.
Second, the jokes are all based on verbal conversations. It feels at times too chaotic or random to follow. Not always; but at times. I kinda miss the slapstick you dared to use before. I don't mean slapsticks should be the only things to use; but it feels like this is just too pretentious to be taken with a laugh.

Now, I DID enjoy watching it. I enjoy to see how much each animator has improved. And to see someone finally for once make a joke including The Great Mighty Poo is kinda cool (nice touch, Legendary Frog). And you know what? This type of humor probably works perfect for others. I am not trying to suggest everyone who gives this a high rating are kissing your ass; I bet they just appreciate the humor more than I do. I think it's just not my type of humor you are using here most of the time.
Good work, and well made. But I prefer the off-the-wall jokes, the wacky jokes, the slapstick jokes and more dirty jokes (yes, I am totally a pervert XD). No disrespect - just not my cup of tea.

Absolutely okay

The animations are most of the time really smooth and nice (although, the things they toss lands on places they just wouldn't in the actual Worm games). It's mostly topnotch. Although, it is kinda funny I noticed when Sith Lord performs a move, it says up on top of the screen he's named "The Sith". Interesting flaw, IMO. And how come the Empire lots of times here either skip their turn or are very clumsy? It's sort of a shame. It makes the video less tense. But still, I like it. It's good.

Wait, what?!

... you make fun of everything in Naruto, proving how stupid it is to be a fan of it... and you say it's dedicated to the fans? How hypocritical is that?!

Blurb about me?

Viktor Akesson @Kurvos

Age 37, Male

Flash animator


Joined on 1/5/07

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